
Companies represent the legal entities that appear as paywise clients and creditors in the debt collection process. These companies are the ones that create invoices and act as creditors.

Please note that the Company info must be the the issuer of any Claim you pass through the Case Management API

Required information

In order to start creating claims via the Case Management API you need to provide all relevant information on the company. Once all information is provided, the data_submission_completed flag will indicate that you can start creating claims.

Depending on the onboading flow you choose, you can either provide this info directly via API or have the users provide any missing data. Required are:

  • name
  • phone
  • address
  • legal_form
  • tax_deduction_eligibility
  • vat_number (required if the tax deduction eligibility is set to K )

Depending on the legal form that is provided, you might have to provide information on the legal representatives - see the table below for a detailed definition.

Providing the legal form of a client is important for onboading a client. Depending on your usecase, you might wannt to either provide it via API or have the first user provite the relevant info.

The information on the legal form is required to enter the judicial dunning process and for us to be able to create Statements (Abrechnungen)

Depending on the legal form of the client, we require input on the legal representatives. Again, this information is required to be able to start the judicial dunning process.

In the table below, find the available legal forms and their requirements on providing legal representatives. The legal representatives are denoted by their type field.

Legal FormDescriptionLegal Representatives required
AGPublic limited company
e.V.Registered association
EinzelkaufmannSole trader
PartGPartnership company
e.G.Registered cooperative
LimitedPrivate limited company (UK)
FZ LLEFree Zone Limited Liability Establishment
S.R.L.Limited liability company (Italy, Romania)
OHG & Co. KGGeneral partnership & limited partnership
UG & Co. KGEntrepreneurial company & limited partnership- komplementaer
- geschaeftsführer
KGLimited partnership- komplementaer
OHGGeneral partnership- gesellschafter
Inc.Incorporated (US)
LTD.Private limited company (UK)
LLCLimited liability company (US)
SARLLimited liability company (France, Luxembourg)
d.o.o.Limited liability company (Slovenia, Croatia)
UGEntrepreneurial company
GmbHLimited liability company
GbRCivil law partnership- gesellschafter
SEEuropean Company- vorstand
- aufsichtsrat
EinzelunternehmerSingle Person Business- inhaber
GmbH & Co. KGLimited liability company & limited partnership- komplementaer
- geschaeftsführer
AG & Co. KGPublic limited company & limited partnership- komplementaer
- geschaeftsführer
AG & Co. KGaAPublic limited company & limited partnership- komplementaer
- geschaeftsführer
Private limited company (Estonia)
Ltd. & Co. KGPrivate limited company & limited partnership- komplementaer
- geschaeftsführer
Sp. z o.o.Limited liability company (Poland)
Körpersch. d. ö. RechtsBody of public law- vorstand
B.V.Private limited company (Netherlands)
s.r.o.Limited liability company (Czech Republic)
S. L.Limited liability company (Spain)
A.SJoint-stock company (Norway)
WEGCondominium ownership association
PartG mbBPartnership company with limited liability
ABJoint-stock company (Sweden)
FZCOFree Zone Company
gGmbHNon-profit limited liability company
e.U.Sole proprietorship (Austria)
Ltd. StiLimited company (Turkey)


A client company can have multiple users that are eligible to view, manage and interact with the data on the paywise platform. A user represents a natural person that is authorized to hand over data. Each Claim you create via the Case Management API will be associated with the user that created this claim for traceability.

User Invites

User invites act as an intermediate entity that holds temporary information on a user that is currently being onboarded. This information is only valid until the user is onboarded or has aborted the process or until the invite’s expiry time ran out.